Social Impact

Bridge Partners isn't just about business; we're passionate about making a societal impact. Our involvement in the 'Standing Tall' campaign reflects our drive to support the community. Together, we champion causes that inspire change and growth.

Empowering Young Care Leavers

Step into the world of compassion and creativity with our involvement in the "Standing Tall" campaign, an inspiring initiative by Break. As sponsors, we are thrilled to contribute to a remarkable cause that supports young care leavers through an imaginative and impactful approach.

Our Commitment to the 'Standing Tall' Campaign

Imagine a trail through the charming streets of Cambridge, adorned with unique and captivating giraffe sculptures, each a product of collaboration between company and artist. The trail aims to do more than simply capture your gaze with its breathtaking art; every contribution will directly benefit Break, a charity dedicated to empowering young care leavers in Cambridgeshire. As your eyes lift to admire the sculptures in Spring 2024, see them as we do: as an embodiment of Break's mission, standing tall in support of young individuals with care backgrounds and reminding them that opportunities are limitless!

This is more to us than just sponsorship; it's a testament to our commitment to making a genuine difference. Watch this space for updates on our design for next year!

Clarity, Partnership, Quality.

Since 2001 Bridge Partners has been providing first class IT support services to customers in Cambridge, London and around the world.  We are proud of our talented and hard-working team of IT experts who are dedicated to keeping our customers happy.